use crate::prelude::*;
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case", tag = "error_id")]
pub enum MarketError {
"Infinite max gains can only be used on long positions for collateral-is-base markets"
InvalidInfiniteMaxGains {
market_type: MarketType,
direction: DirectionToBase,
"Infinite take profit price can only be used on long positions for collateral-is-base markets"
InvalidInfiniteTakeProfitPrice {
market_type: MarketType,
direction: DirectionToBase,
#[error("Max gains are too large")]
MaxGainsTooLarge {},
#[error("Unable to withdraw {requested}. Only {available} LP tokens held.")]
WithdrawTooMuch {
requested: NonZero<LpToken>,
available: NonZero<LpToken>,
#[error("Insufficient unlocked liquidity for withdrawal. Requested {requested_collateral} ({requested_lp} LP tokens), only {unlocked} liquidity available until min liquidity.")]
InsufficientLiquidityForWithdrawal {
requested_lp: NonZero<LpToken>,
requested_collateral: NonZero<Collateral>,
unlocked: Collateral,
#[error("Missing position: {id}")]
MissingPosition { id: String },
#[error("Trader leverage {new_leverage} is out of range ({low_allowed}..{high_allowed}]")]
TraderLeverageOutOfRange {
low_allowed: Decimal256,
high_allowed: Decimal256,
new_leverage: Decimal256,
current_leverage: Option<Decimal256>,
#[error("Deposit collateral is too small. Deposited {deposit_collateral}, or {deposit_usd} USD. Minimum is {minimum_usd} USD")]
MinimumDeposit {
deposit_collateral: Collateral,
deposit_usd: Usd,
minimum_usd: Usd,
#[error("Cannot open or update positions currently, the position queue size is {current_queue}, while the allowed size is {max_size}. Please try again later")]
Congestion {
current_queue: u32,
max_size: u32,
reason: CongestionReason,
#[error("Deposit would exceed maximum liquidity allowed. Current liquidity: {current} USD. Deposit size: {deposit} USD. Maximum allowed: {max} USD.")]
MaxLiquidity {
price_collateral_in_usd: PriceCollateralInUsd,
current: Usd,
deposit: Usd,
max: Usd,
#[error("Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol is already too long")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeAlreadyLong {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_before: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error("Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol is already too short")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeAlreadyShort {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_before: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error("Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol would become too long")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeNewlyLong {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_after: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error( "Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol would become too short")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeNewlyShort {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_after: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error("Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol would go from too long to too short")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeLongToShort {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_before: Number,
instant_after: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error("Cannot perform this action since it would exceed delta neutrality limits - protocol would go from too short to too long")]
DeltaNeutralityFeeShortToLong {
cap: Number,
sensitivity: Number,
instant_before: Number,
instant_after: Number,
net_notional_before: Signed<Notional>,
net_notional_after: Signed<Notional>,
#[error("Liquidity cooldown in effect, will end in {seconds_remaining} seconds.")]
LiquidityCooldown {
ends_at: Timestamp,
seconds_remaining: u64,
#[error("Cannot perform the given action while a pending action is waiting for the position")]
PendingDeferredExec {},
#[error("The difference between oldest and newest publish timestamp is too large. Oldest: {oldest}. Newest: {newest}.")]
VolatilePriceFeedTimeDelta {
oldest: Timestamp,
newest: Timestamp,
#[error("Limit order {order_id} is already canceling")]
LimitOrderAlreadyCanceling { order_id: Uint64 },
#[error("Position {position_id} is already closing")]
PositionAlreadyClosing { position_id: Uint64 },
"No price publish time found, there is likely a spot price config error for this market"
#[error("Cannot close position {id}, it was already closed at {close_time}. Close reason: {reason}.")]
PositionAlreadyClosed {
id: Uint64,
close_time: Timestamp,
reason: String,
#[error("Insufficient locked liquidity in protocol to perform the given unlock. Requested: {requested}. Total locked: {total_locked}.")]
InsufficientLiquidityForUnlock {
requested: NonZero<Collateral>,
total_locked: Collateral,
#[error("Insufficient unlocked liquidity in the protocol. Requested: {requested}. Total available: {total_unlocked}. Total allowed with carry leverage restrictions: {allowed}.")]
Liquidity {
requested: NonZero<Collateral>,
total_unlocked: Collateral,
allowed: Collateral,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum TriggerPriceMustBe {
impl Display for TriggerPriceMustBe {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
TriggerPriceMustBe::Greater => "greater",
TriggerPriceMustBe::Less => "less",
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum TriggerType {
impl Display for TriggerType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
TriggerType::StopLoss => "stop loss",
TriggerType::TakeProfit => "take profit",
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case")]
pub enum CongestionReason {
impl MarketError {
pub fn into_anyhow(self) -> anyhow::Error {
let description = format!("{self}");
pub fn try_from_anyhow(err: &anyhow::Error) -> Result<Self> {
(|| {
let err = err
.context("Not a PerpError<MarketError>")?;
.context("PerpError<MarketError> without a data field")
.with_context(|| format!("try_from_anyhow failed on: {err:?}"))
fn into_perp_error(self, description: String) -> PerpError<MarketError> {
let id = self.get_error_id();
PerpError {
domain: ErrorDomain::Market,
data: Some(self),
fn get_error_id(&self) -> ErrorId {
match self {
MarketError::InvalidInfiniteMaxGains { .. } => ErrorId::InvalidInfiniteMaxGains,
MarketError::InvalidInfiniteTakeProfitPrice { .. } => {
MarketError::MaxGainsTooLarge {} => ErrorId::MaxGainsTooLarge,
MarketError::WithdrawTooMuch { .. } => ErrorId::WithdrawTooMuch,
MarketError::InsufficientLiquidityForWithdrawal { .. } => {
MarketError::MissingPosition { .. } => ErrorId::MissingPosition,
MarketError::TraderLeverageOutOfRange { .. } => ErrorId::TraderLeverageOutOfRange,
MarketError::MinimumDeposit { .. } => ErrorId::MinimumDeposit,
MarketError::Congestion { .. } => ErrorId::Congestion,
MarketError::MaxLiquidity { .. } => ErrorId::MaxLiquidity,
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeAlreadyLong { .. } => {
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeAlreadyShort { .. } => {
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeNewlyLong { .. } => ErrorId::DeltaNeutralityFeeNewlyLong,
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeNewlyShort { .. } => {
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeLongToShort { .. } => {
MarketError::DeltaNeutralityFeeShortToLong { .. } => {
MarketError::LiquidityCooldown { .. } => ErrorId::LiquidityCooldown,
MarketError::PendingDeferredExec {} => ErrorId::PendingDeferredExec,
MarketError::VolatilePriceFeedTimeDelta { .. } => ErrorId::VolatilePriceFeedTimeDelta,
MarketError::LimitOrderAlreadyCanceling { .. } => ErrorId::LimitOrderAlreadyCanceling,
MarketError::PositionAlreadyClosing { .. } => ErrorId::PositionAlreadyClosing,
MarketError::NoPricePublishTimeFound => ErrorId::NoPricePublishTimeFound,
MarketError::PositionAlreadyClosed { .. } => ErrorId::PositionAlreadyClosed,
MarketError::InsufficientLiquidityForUnlock { .. } => {
MarketError::Liquidity { .. } => ErrorId::Liquidity,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn into_perp_error() {
let market_error = MarketError::WithdrawTooMuch {
requested: "100".parse().unwrap(),
available: "50".parse().unwrap(),
let expected = PerpError {
id: ErrorId::WithdrawTooMuch,
domain: ErrorDomain::Market,
description: "Unable to withdraw 100. Only 50 LP tokens held.".to_owned(),
data: Some(market_error.clone()),
let anyhow_error = market_error.clone().into_anyhow();
let actual = anyhow_error.downcast_ref::<PerpError<_>>().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&expected, actual);
let market_error2 = MarketError::try_from_anyhow(&anyhow_error).unwrap();
assert_eq!(market_error, market_error2);