Expand description

Convenience prelude module.

This reexports commonly used identifiers for use by contracts and tools.


  • pub use crate::contracts::factory::entry::ExecuteMsg as FactoryExecuteMsg;
  • pub use crate::contracts::factory::entry::QueryMsg as FactoryQueryMsg;
  • pub use crate::contracts::market::entry::ExecuteMsg as MarketExecuteMsg;
  • pub use crate::contracts::market::entry::QueryMsg as MarketQueryMsg;


  • This is a centralized location for cw_storage Item storage keys and Map namespaces
  • Provides specialized types that define a ratio that must be within a specific range. This can be helpful when defining an interface that contains a ratio represented by a decimal but the ratio is logically constrained by specific bounds.


  • Construct an ad-hoc error from a string or existing non-anyhow error value.
  • Makes it easy to create a Response where all the values are attributes, like a HashMap.
  • Return early with an error.
  • This version only logs if the given flag is in DEBUG_LOG_FLAGS (will not log if log_print feature is disabled, in that case it’s a no-op)
  • This version will always log (except if log_print feature is not enabled, it’s a no-op)
  • Generate a PerpError and then wrap it up in an anyhow error
  • Like perp_anyhow but accepts optional extra data
  • Return early with the given perp error
  • Like perp_bail but takes extra optional data
  • Ensure a condition is true, otherwise returns from the function with an error.
  • Generate a PerpError value
  • Generate a PerpError value with additional optional data


  • A human readable address.
  • Unsigned value
  • Unsigned value
  • A fixed-point decimal value with 18 fractional digits, i.e. Decimal256(1_000_000_000_000_000_000) == 1.0
  • A duration of time measured in nanoseconds
  • Unsigned value
  • Item stores one typed item at the given key. This is an analog of Singleton. It functions the same way as Path does but doesn’t use a Vec and thus has a const fn constructor.
  • The absolute leverage for a position, in terms of the base asset.
  • Unsigned value
  • Unsigned value
  • Unsigned value
  • An identifier for a market.
  • Ensure that the inner value is never 0.
  • Unsigned value
  • An error message for the perps protocol
  • The price of the pair as used internally by the protocol, given as collateral / notional.
  • The price of the currency pair, given as quote / base, e.g. “20,000 USD per BTC”.
  • PriceBaseInQuote converted to USD
  • A modified version of a Price used as a key in a Map.
  • All prices in the protocol for a given point in time.
  • Unsigned value
  • A raw address passed in via JSON.
  • Helper data type, following builder pattern, for constructing a [Response].
  • Wrap up any UnsignedDecimal to provide negative values too.
  • The user-specified leverage for a position, with direction expressed as the signed value
  • Leverage calculated based on the protocol’s internal representation.
  • Essentially a newtype wrapper for Timestamp providing additional impls.
  • A thin wrapper around u64 that is using strings for JSON encoding/decoding, such that the full u64 range can be used for clients that convert JSON numbers to floats, like JavaScript and jq.
  • Unsigned value


  • Check that an addr satisfies auth checks
  • Bound is used to define the two ends of a range. None means that we don’t limit that side of the range at all. Inclusive means we use the given value as a limit and include anything at that exact key. Exclusive means we use the given value as a limit and exclude anything at that exact key.
  • What was the user doing when they hit the congestion error message?
  • Flags for gating debug_log
  • Direction in terms of base
  • Direction in terms of notional
  • Source within the protocol for the error
  • Unique identifier for an error within perps
  • An error type for known market errors with potentially special error handling.
  • Whether the collateral asset is the same as the quote or base asset.
  • The max gains for a position.
  • Like cosmwasm_std::Order but serialized as a string and with a schema export
  • The take profit price for a position, as supplied by client messsages (in terms of BaseInQuote).
  • Was the price provided by the trader too high or too low?
  • What type of price trigger occurred?


  • useful for placing an upper cap on query iterators as a safety measure to prevent exhausting resources on nodes that allow unbounded query gas


  • Api are callbacks to system functions implemented outside of the wasm modules. Currently it just supports address conversion but we could add eg. crypto functions here.
  • Provides the context method for Result.
  • Extension trait to add methods to native cosmwasm events
  • Format trait for an empty format, {}.
  • Parse a value from a string
  • Makes it easy to call .query_result() on any Serialize and standardizes so query() entry points also return a ContractResult
  • Storage provides read and write access to a persistent storage. If you only want to provide read access, provide &Storage
  • Generalizes any newtype wrapper around a Decimal256.


Type Aliases

Attribute Macros